Kashmir University B.A. LL.B. (5 Years Integrated Course) ENTRANCE TEST-2014


University Of Kashmir


Total Questions: 60


Q. 1. Who won the Bharat Ratna award in 2014 along with Sachin Tendulkar?

(A) Montek Singh Ahluwalia

(B) Shobhalakshmi Devi

(C) Prof. CNR Rao

(D) Prof. A K Wadia


Q. 2. Which one of the following does not constitute the Electoral College electing the President of India?

(A) Elected members of the Legislative Council

(B) Elected members of the Legislative Assembly of each state

(C) Elected members of the Lok Sabha

(D) Elected members of the Rajya Sabha


Q. 3. In a school of 550 students, the ratio of boys and girls is 6: 5. How many more girls are to be admitted to make the ratio equal?

(A) 40

(B) 50

(C) 60

(D) 150


Q. 4. The government of India Act, 1935, envisaged the introduction of:

(A) Dyarchical form of government

(B) Federal form of government

(C) Republican form of government

(D) Unitary form of government

Q. 5. Which of the following are not the circumstances under which an elected Member of Parliament may disqualified on the ground of defection?

(A) If he voluntarily gives up his membership of a political party

(B) If he votes or abstains from voting contrary to any direction issued by his political party without prior permission of the political party

(C) If he speaks against the political party

(D) If he joins a political party other than the party on whose ticket the contested and got elected.


Q. 6. Who is the president of World Bank?

(A) Jim Yong Kim

(B) Kim Petro

(C) Yang Kim Hoe

(D) None of the above


Q. 7. Golden eagle is the natioral bird of:

(A) Sweden

(B) Egypt

(C) Morocco

(D) Sri Lanka


Q. 8. Naira is the currency of:

(A) Netherlands

(B) Mozambique

(C) Nigeria

(D) Somalia


Q. 9. Khmer is the official language of:

(A) South Korea

(B) Senegal

(C) Thailand

(D) Cambodia


Q. 10. Who is the Governor of RBI?

(A) V.K. Subramanian

(B) Raghuram Rajan

(C) Venkata Rao

(D) B.S. Bediyar


Q. 11. My Own Boswell was authored by:

(A) Krishna Iyer J

(B) M. J. Akbar 

(C) M. Hidayatulla J

(D) K. K. Sadhudan


Q. 12. We, the People was written by:

(A) A.G Noorani

(B) Nani Palkhivala

(C) Arun Shorie

(D) Sardar Patel


Q. 13. Who was the first Russian woman to win Olympic figure skating gold in Sochi Winter Olympic Games in 2014:

(A) Levenosky p

(B) Adelina Sotnikova

(C) Petersokovisky

(D) Luna marrie


Q. 14. Which fever is known as 'break-bone' fever?

(A) Typhoid

(B) Malaria

(C) Dengue

(D) Arthritis


Q. 15. Sleeplessness is a disease known as:

(A) Dementia

(B) Insomnia

(C) Dermatitis

(D) None of the above


Q. 16. Kisan Divas (farmer's day) is observed on:

(A) Dec. 23

(B) June 21st

(C) Dec. 14

(D) May 1


Q. 17. What does the term 'White paper' mean?

(A) Government statement on policy matter

(B) Government paper for printing

(C) Paper used in currency notes

(D) Paper on which a judge gives a death sentence


Q. 18. The oldest large-scale industry of India is:

(A) iron and steel

(B) jute

(C) cotton and textile

(D) paper


Q. 19. The holography is a technique of:

(A) taking photos

(B) recording and reproduction of 3D images

(C) tracing stars

(D) None of the above



Q. 20. The largest cell in the human body is:

(A) liver cell

(B) kidney cell

(C) nerve cell

(D) muscle cell


Q. 21. Which of the following is known as wisdom teeth?

(A) first molar

(B) third molar

(C) incisor

(D) premolar


Q. 22. Who was the Governor General of India who proposed the change of capital from Calcutta to Delhi?

(A) Lord Curzon

(B) Lord Dufferin

(C) Lord Hardinge

(D) Lord Landowne


Q. 23. Who is known as prince Khuram in the Medieval History of India?

(A) Shah Jahan

(B) Jahangir

(C) Akbar

(D) Babar


Q. 24. The organ which destroys worn out RBC in the body is:

(A) Spleen

(B) Pancreas

(C) Liver

(D) Bone Marrow


Q. 25. A man's wage is reduced by 50%. The reduced wage was then increased by 50%. His loss in percentage is:

(A) 25%,

(B) 20%

(C) 50%

(D) 10%


Q. 26. X was born on March 6, 1993. The same year Independence Day was celebrated on Friday. Find out the birthday of X:

(A) Thursday

(B) Saturday

(C) Friday

(D) Wednesday


Q. 27. Pramesh is heavier than Jairam but lighter than Gulab, Anand is heavier than Gulab. Mohan is lighter than Jairam. Who among them is the heaviest?

(A) Jairam

(B) Anand

(C) Gulab

(D) Pramesh


Q. 28. Introducing a man to her husband, a woman said, "His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather". How is the woman related to this man?

(A) Mother

(B) Aunt

(C) Sister

(D) Daughter

Q. 29. Which of the following kings was known as the 'Napoleon of India'?

(A) Ashoka

(B) Samudragupta

(C) Chandragupta Vikramaditya 

(D) Kanishka


Q. 30. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission of India?

(A) President of India

(B) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(C) Prime Minister of India

(D) Finance Minister of India


Q. 31. In a class of 35 children Amey's rank is 6th from the top, Annie is 7th rank below Amey. What is Annie's rank from the bottom?

(A) 22

(B) 20

(C) 19

(D) 23


Q. 32. Which company that was started in 1900 is named after a South African antelope?

(A) Bata

(B) Reebok

(C) Liberty

(D) Woodland


Q. 33. The largest lake in India is:

(A) The Sambhar

(B) The Chilika

(C) The Dal

(D) The Nainital


Q. 34. In binary number system, what do 111 represent?

(A) one hundrend eleven

(B) seven

(C) three

(D) one


Q. 35. The Citizen's Day falls on:

(A) 18 November

(B) 19 November

(C) 20 November

(D) 21 November


Q. 36. A person who looks on the bright side of things is known as:

(A) Sycophant

(B) Opportunist

(C) Cynic

(D) Optimist


Q. 37. In a certain code 130584 is written as 485031. How is 27096 written in that code?

(A) 69072

(B) 60792

(C) 60972

(D) 67092


Q. 38. Which of the following was/is not a space station programme?







Q. 39. Which of the following is an open-source computer operating system?


(B) Windows 98

(C) Linux

(D) Symbian OS


Q. 40. The person who promoted the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross was:

(A) Charles Dickens

(B) Henri Dunant

(C) Henry Ford

(D) Robert Frost


Q. 41. The present UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is from:

(A) South Korea

(B) North Korea

(C) China

(D) Mongolia


Q. 42. Who was the first woman President of UN General Assembly?

(A) Mrs. Sarojni Naidu

(B) Mrs. Annie Besant

(C) Mrs. Vijaylakhsmi Pandit

(D) Mrs. Subhalakshmi


Q. 43. When did International Criminal Court came into existence?

(A) 1998

(B) 2000

(C) 2001

(D) 2002

Q. 44. Maenam Wildlife Saoctuary is located in which of the following state:

(A) Assam

(B) Sikkim

(C) Himachal Pradesh

(D) Uttar Pradesh


Q. 45. Who among the following is known as the 'father of Ecology' in India?

(A) Mr. Ramesh Kaswalkar

(B) Mr. Rajindra Prasad

(C) Mr. Ramdeo Mishra

(D) Mr. Radhakrishnan


Q. 46. The 17th SAARC summit was held in November 2011 at:

(A) Thimphu (Bhutan)

(B) Islamabad (Pakistan)

(C) Dhaka (Bangladesh)

(D) Addu City (Maldives)


Q. 47. The 'Audacity of Hope' is a book written by:

(A) Bill Clinton

(B) Barack Obama

(C) Hillary Clinton

(D) Bill Gates


Q. 48. The number of High Courts in India is:

(A) 18

(B) 24

(C) 21

(D) 28


Q. 49. When the offices of both the President and Vice-President of India are vacant, then their functions will be discharged by:

(A) Prime Minister

(B) Home Minister

(C) Chief Justice of India

(D) Speaker


Q. 50. How many Fundamental Rights have been guaranteed under the Constitution of India?

(A) 5

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8


Q. 51. The term 'golden handshake' is associated with:

(A) share market

(B) investment of gold

(C) voluntary retirement

(D) marriage without dowry benefits


Q. 52. Smart money is a term used for:

(A) Internet Banking

(B) Credit Card

(C) Saving Account in the Bank

(D) Current Account in the Bank


Q. 53. Diamonds are weighed in:

(A) grams

(B) pounds

(C) carats

(D) tons


Q. 54. The Supreme Court Judge whose recommendations are under consideration of cabinet sub-committee in J&K:

(A) Hon'ble Dasie J

(B) Hon'ble Krishna Iyer J

(C) Hon'ble Sagheer J

(D) Hon'ble Pandian J


Q. 55. Who amongst the following has not remained the Chief Justice of J&K High Court?

(A) V. Khalid J

(B) V.K.Gupta J

(C) Jhanjia J

(D) M.M. Kumar J


Q. 56. The first Muslim ruler of Kashmir was:

(A) Bulbul Shah

(B) Sham-Ud-Din Shah Mir

(C) Budshah

(D) None of the Above


Q. 57. The word 'Trojan horse' in computer language refers to:

(A) A malicious malware

(B) Anti-virus

(C) Anti-piracy

(D) None of the Above


Q. 58. India is written as 914491 then Delhi will be written as:

(A) 45389

(B) 451289

(C) 45489

(D) 451279


Q. 59. The Directive Principles of State Policy provided in the Indian Constitution are:

(A) Enforceable as Fundamental Rights

(B) Non justiciable

(C) Enforceable on the direction of executive

(D) All of the above


Q. 60. Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for 2013, it was:

(A) 21st organization to win it

(B) 22nd organization to win it

(C) 31st organization to win it

(D) 25th organization to win it

Kashmir university

